Single mother Shayleigh Allen defied the odds, overcoming numerous challenges and exhausting schedules to graduate from Lake Technical College as an LPN, crediting her success to the Single-Parent Program and her determination to pursue a nursing career while caring for her daughter.
Single mom Amica Banks experienced a major turnaround for the better for her and her children while at MDCH.
Single mom Ashlee Gainey is now prepared for a brighter future for herself and her daughter after graduating from the Single-Parent Program at MDCH.
After years of hard work and determination, Kim Johnson recently became the first graduate of the Single Parent Program to move directly into her own home, a newly built one at that.
- new home
Volunteers with big hearts can make a real difference at a children's home. We are blessed with many fine volunteers at Mount Dora, but none are more faithful in their love and attention to our children than Andy and Diane Limbrecht.
- volunteers
- Profiles